Thursday 29 April 2010

Marketing for Mario Kart Wii

Aside from advertising in the United States, another region important to sales of Mario Kart Wii is Japan, Nintendo's native country. As such, the gaming giant has enlisted the aid of Japanese celebrities to help hock their wares onto the gaming populace. Above, you can see model Aki Hoshino and comedian Medaka Ikeno having the time of their life with their Wii Wheels.
UK trailer using the same technique of marketing involving celebrities to promote the game.
Analysis of trailer:
By having Celebrities play the game it catches the eye of the viewers and as the general public looks up to celebrities as role models this makes them think for example "if .... has it then it must be good!'
It is also a good advert because you can see people playing the game with the wheel so the audience can see the new equipment and how much fun the people are having when playing the game. In the advert you can not only see the people playing the game but you are able to see small clips of the game so it gives the audience a small idea of what its going to be like without giving too much away and keeping the mystery.
The advert indicates that there is no specific target audience as there is a big age range of people playing the game in the advert. This opens out the game to a wider audience and therefore makes more money.

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