Thursday 29 April 2010

Marketing definition

What a company does to boosts its sales of its products and services. Ways in which it may boost its sales could be; advertising (general media exposure, using slogans, packaging design, celebrity endorsements). The aim of marketing is to attract the product/services target audience.
There are 4P's of marketing;
1) Product
2) Price
3) Promotion
4) Place

Viral Marketing

Viral Marketing is when there are adverts on the internet making a product desirable to a person. Viral marketing also consists of videos on the internet that promote a product. Viral marketing is also very cheap. It can also be heard by word of mouth and can spread around a lot of people.

Guerilla marketing

An unconventional way of marketing, it is also cheap. Instead of investing money, the marketers invest time and knowledge. The adverts are thought provoking. Normally, the campaigns are unexpected, unconventional and interactive. Normally seen in unexpected places.

Specialist Press

Press with specializes in a certain media; e.g. Videogames.

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