Sunday 25 April 2010

Section 1. Game feedback.

Canis canem edit:
Playstation 2
The game is set in an unusual location, in a school. This game would appeal to people 13+, as the violence isn't too extreme, and the location & graphics would appeal to this age range. It is a surreal version of their day-to-day life.
There are no references to other media industries. The game is unique, and there are no similarities to another game.

Read dead revolver:
My favourite aspect of the game is the location- 'wild west'. This game would appeal to 14 years +. I don't think it would retain the interest of younger children, and the violence is suitable for 14+ years, it may be seen as inappropraite for younger children.
There are no other references to other media. There are no other similarites to any other games that I played.

Table tennis:
I like the simplicity of the game, it's easy to learn the rules, controls and the aim of the game.
People who would be interested in this games would be people who enjoy both playing and watching sports. All ages would be suitable for playing this game, as there is no violence, lots of interesting graphics and a simple aim. Therefore all ages can enjoy it.
This game is boring and repetative. There is no reference to any other media.

Midnight club- Los Angeles
Playstation 3
I like the graphics of this game, and the graphics. I found the game quite limiting -unable to get out of the car. I think that this game would appeal to 10+ years old, as there is a small amount of violence, yet interesting enough graphics and an easy enough. The location is based on a real place, L.A. The cars are based on real cars. The game is similar to Grand Theft Auto.

Grand Theft Auto.
Playstation 2
I like the flexibilty of the game, players are able to control the character. The game is aimed at older teenagers, (15+) as there is a lot of violence. The game has good graphics but is violent. The music which is featured in the game is real music, which is recogised.
This game is similar to other driving games, and 'shoot-em' games.

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