Wednesday 28 April 2010

Brain Training

Research the way in which your game was marketed:
Write a summary of how your game was marketed, include an analysis of a trailer for your game.
Write about the viral marketing techniques used for your game
Write about the guerilla marketing techniques used to promote your game
Include links to the specialist press coverage of your game.
Include links to coverage of your game in the mainstream press.
  • Our game was marketed on the TV, magazines and broadsheets,
  • The Nintendo DS, marketed their game on the tv by using celebrities which are playing the game and are really enjoying it. They also try to show that the brain training actually trains your brain and makes you think a lot more than you would in any other game. "Enjoyed by 10 million people world wide".

  • In this trailer Julie Waters and Patrick Stewart are playing the game during the advert and showing you how to play and what fun it could be aswell as training your brain by playing maths games.
Nicole Kidman plays the brain training as well but if a different way to Julie Peters s she is attracted a different audience as she is a young attractive celebrity that has time out of her busy schedule to play a brain training game. It also shows the brain score which can attract people to see if they can get a better score than she has got and it's also a chance to see generally what there brain score would be.

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