Monday 10 May 2010

2. What has the impact of increased internet connectivity been on the media production, distribution and marketing process?

2. What has the impact of increased internet connectivity been on the media production, distribution and marketing process?

Every computer that is connected to a network has a 'connection bandwidth', this is a maximum speed the computer can collect data.

Viewers don't want to wait for a long time before being able to watch a clip, if your clips don't work fast enough because they use too much bandwidth, viewers again wont be happy. Bandwidth helps ensure that clips play back quickly and don't stall. Their are also ways to deliver good clips to people with a slow connection and better clips to those with fast connections.

So the faster a game loads and the better quality of playing it online, the more demand for games their will be for the internet. It is also cheeper to play using the internet even if you buy game, because you don't need to buy a console which costs a lot of money.

Easy access

An advantage of using the internet today is that you can play a game while doing other things. Say your at work and you need a break, you would just make another window and find a website with a game you want to play, it's technical convergence. This is where one object such as a computer does a wide range of different things. A game console mostly is for gaming or watching DVD's, the internet has a much wider range of things you can do. You don't need to get out, turn on and load up your Xbox while being on your computer at the same time, when a good, fast game is just a few clicks away. An example of this is the mini-clip website, this is a website where you can play a wide range of free games including mario, sonic and racing games. You don't need to register you just type in the website and play some fun filling games straight away. A disadvantage of this is that you can't play multiple player with friends as easily.


An advantage of Marketing a game which is online and uses the fast connection we have today is advertising. If you are on your computer, most internet sites will have advertising some even connecting cookies which will tell the company advertising who is most likely to buy the product. If you see a games advert while you are online and able to get it very fast you are more likely to want to play it. Where as is you see a games advert in a magazine you might want to play it at the time but not get round to buying it. An example on a internet site that does this type of advertising is google, google can track what you are searching than will display adverts which are linked with you search. A disadvantage of marketing games online is that if your internet connection is bad or blips than it will be difficult to load the games.

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