Monday 10 May 2010

Media Exam Questions 8 and 9

Media Exam Questions and our interpretations

Question 8 what are some of the significances proliferation in hardware and content of institutions and audiences?
Our interpretation: Advantages and Disadvantages of increase in hardware and content?
Advantages the positive of proliferation is that there is more choice for the consumer and could open the market to many different types of content and widening the market for more games and consoles.
Disadvantages are that there are so many products available that consumer struggle to understand what they want and what is best. This is what happened in the US in the 1980’s and the consumers stop buying video games. Products such as Mattel’s Intellivision, Coleco’s ColecoVision and Magnavox’s Odyssey 2

Question 9 Think about the ways in which your own experiences of interacting with the video games industry might illustrate wider patterns and trends of audience behavior; write some bullet points on your consumption of video games?
Our interpretation: Using yourself as a perfect example, write how a company could attract you to playing your games and if you don’t play games then how should they go about attract you as an individual

Me: I personally find trailers on the Internet and television to be the most effective in my case and also not being to revealing but leaving some mystery to the game makes me want to go and buy it either in a store or online.

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