Thursday 6 May 2010

OnLive Advantages && Disadvantages

- you don't have to leave your house to buy a game
- On Live games service is streamed from central game servers, the service can upgrade to the best technology without the need for individual to purchase new hardware. So, the games keep getting better without the high cost of a new console.
- Another feature is the ability to play with your friends regardless of whether they are playing on a PC or the Micro Console
- never needs upgrading
- it offers new ways to get to gaming whatever the conditions. e.g PC, mac, micro console

- you can only stream your games not download them.
- online only, so if your internet is not working.
- can put console manufactures out of business as they will not need to make consoles as they can just play games online.
- game manufactures aren't going to need to create discs as it's all going online.
- companies are going to have to give their games to OnLive as they want consumers to play their game.
- you can't trade games in shared disks.
- it may not be very versatile, potential hackers & fraud

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