Wednesday 5 May 2010

GTA 4 review

Graphics are much better than normal games which has given Rockstar that true realism when playing an unrealistic lifestyle.
The game was so well marketed and I believe that due to being a first party game.
I feel that the success of GTA4 is driven by its derivatives in the GTA series.
The cheats; programmed into the game bring an unrealistic game play, for players who enjoy arcade, free roam 'mucking about'.
Rockstar brought a inter media advertising campaign, whereby posters were layed around major cities in the world, the music industry was endorsed due to radio stations, television advertisements, and the availability to make the audience want to know more about the game before its release. This caused major excitement and conversation about a new generation of gaming let alone the consoles.
The game is succesful is bring elements of real life and mixing them with unrealistic lives to cause a feel of excitment to 'play it your way!'
game rating 10/10

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