Thursday, 22 April 2010

Gaming session wirte up

Red Dead Revolver:
1. The controls were very simple and easy to pick up.
2. Teenage boys mostly.
3. It was a bit too repetative and boring after a while.
4. Western films

Table Tennis:
1. Easy controls, slow motion.
2. Teenagers, adults
3. It was not very interesting, repetative.
4. Slight advertising, sports.

Midnight Club:
1. The controls are easy to pick up.
2. Teenagers, adults.
3. Good, interesting different races to do.
4. N/A

GTA Vice City:
1. Controls easy to pick up, fluent content.
2. Older teenagers, adults
3. Good graphics, lots to do.
4. Ads, radio.

Bullworth Academy:
1. I didn't really like this game at all.
2. Teenagers.
3. Graphics are bad, not interesting enough.
4. N/A

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