Thursday, 6 May 2010

Production, Marketing & Distribution of Mario Kart


Who made it?

Nintendo which is a multinational corporation located in Kyoto, Japan.

How did they make it?

What technologies?/what consoles?
Mario kart is available on Nintendo DS and Nintendo Wii. Many would argue that is it better to play on the Wii as the DS screens are very small and with the Wii you can buy controls made to replicate a steering wheel. This enables consumers to get really into the game and becomes more realistic.

Who founded it?
Founded on September 23, 1889 by Fusajiro Yamauchi.


Who is the target audience?

Mario kart has a wide range of consumers as you can play it when you are 4 to 104, the advert shows family and friends playing the game with lots of variety in gender and age. This gives the audience the impression that the game could be fore anyone and the bigger the target audience, the bigger the profit.

What strategies were used?

The advert gives the impression that it is for anyone as there is a wide range of people playing it that you can see.

The game was released in Europe on 11 April 2008

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